Catching up on all the awards and a big thank you for all your support!

It’s been a long couple of hectic months for both Eskimoseb and I, firstly we had to deal with the workload preparing for university and then the actual exams for our universities.We thought that we would be totally free after our exams but oh my how wrong we were, preparing for university and all the things life had in store for us really kept us super busy!

We have appreciated the support of everyone who takes out time to follow us and read our blogs- it’s what keeps us going, especially when we have a writers block! With university just around the corner for us now, I feel now would be a good time to respond to all of the awards you guys have kindly given us- since I don’t want to leave them unanswered!

As for nominees, we have a surprise coming for you all soon so I won’t mention any in this post, as they will be coming very soon in our next post 🙂

So I’ll start of with the “Creative Blogger Award” by Anime Vios and L-Zerb


For the award itself, these are the copy-pasted rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  2. Share 5 facts about yourself.
  3. Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers and add their links.
  4. Notify the bloggers you included.
  5. Keep the rules in your post to make it easy for everyone to know what to do!

Firstly, I want to say a big thank you to Anime Vios for nominating us for this award. We try to be creative with what we do but we aren’t sure if we quite pull it off- that’s out for the public to decide 😉

Next up, L-Zerb has been someone who’s posts we regularly follow and he just has such a variety of posts that you can find so many things of interest on his blog! Keep going strong and we love the work that you do 🙂

Some Random facts about me:

1: I am a massive music addict, you’ll find me with my headphones on more often than not! I totally love listening to music- no matter genre it is- as long as it has a nice rhythm and melody. Some of my favourite bands are You me at Six, Linkin Park, Paramore and a whole range of cover artists!

2: I am terrified of bugs. Anything with too many legs, arms, eyes or whatever will creep me out, I just can’t approach bugs at all- especially spiders and worms.

3: I play the guitar and have just started out learning the piano since I love playing music too, so I really want to learn as many instruments as I possibly can!

4: I am currently writing a detective novel which has been going on for over 2 years, I will be hoping to release the book very soon, hopefully by the end of the year.

5: I LOVE FOOD! I can cook pretty well and I love trying out new recipes whenever I get the chance!

Next up is our nomination for the “#GSList” by Infinity


  • Make a list of the 10 things that make your life happy;
  • Tag your post with the hashtag: #GSlist;
  • Use the #GSlist picture on your post;
  • Nominate five (or more) blogs you want.

Thanks to Infinity for nominating us for this and please do go over to her blog channel, it’s absolutely beautiful and has great posts on it too!

Here are my top 10 things that make me happy!

  1. Food!
  2. Anime
  3. Manga
  4. Cricket
  5. Football
  6. Fun games
  7. Nice weather
  8. Wonderful friends
  9. Writing
  10. All my online friends!

Next up is the nomination for the “Blogger Recognition Award” by both MariaCharmed and When Curiosity Killed the Cat


Both of these bloggers have wonderful articles and reviews on books and writing. Being a writer myself I can really appreciate just how out going and bubbly their writing is! So if you’re stuck deciding what book you want to read, then look no further and read their awesome articles!

We are also looking forwards with collaborating with When Curiosity Killed the Cat very very soon!


» Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.

» Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).

» Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them.  Provide a link to the award post you created.

» Provide a link to the original post on Edge of NightThat way, anyone can find the original guidelines and post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing!

I have something special lined up for all my nominees 🙂

Both Eskimoseb and I loved watching anime so and we also enjoyed talking about it with other, the best moments came when we did not see eye to eye, since agreeing on everything is so dull! After a while, we both had the idea to set up a small blog to reach out with our thoughts to all you guys too and from there, bit by bit, we have got the chance to meet some wonderful people and have been inspired by some really awesome blogs!

For advice to other bloggers, I would like to say be persistent and do not give up. Often you will have a writers block, I would suggest taking a time out and coming back later and it just becomes so much easier. After a while you will come to love what you do and on your journey you will be sure to meet people just like you with whom you can have a great time sharing ideas and just generally talking too!

Now for the next award we have the “Infinity Dreams Award” by TheLimitlessImagination 


TheLimitlessImagination was one of the first blogs we had come across and also one of the blogs that has inspired us the most. So after having come so far, we would like to say a massive and special thank you to you 🙂 She has some brilliant content and a vast array of topics on which she posts, so make sure to go over and take a look! Also, we love the name limitlessimagination, its the perfect name for your blog 🙂

For this award, we have to list 7 dreams that we have, so here goes nothing!

  1. I hope that one day I become proficient at the guitar and piano. I have been playing the guitar for quite some time now and it is just such a wonderful way to let go, especially because I love music so much. I have started out on the piano, just last week in fact and really hope I can take that far too. The piano is such an elegant instrument!
  2. I really want to finish my current novel in time for the end of this year and then hope to go on to write a couple more in my life. Writing is one of my all time greatest passions and I love reading and learning new styles, techniques and ideas 🙂
  3. In the future I hope I can go skydiving- it’s something I have always wanted to do and something that will give me my adrenaline fix xD
  4. I hope to stay in touch with a lot of my school friends throughout my life. Quite often, when you part ways it can be hard to keep contact, but given the modern day and the awesome friends I have made, I want to stay in touch with them forever!
  5. I dream that within my lifetime, I can go into space! I know it’s quite far-fetched (pardon the pun) but I love physics and astronomy and hey, we only live one life, it would just be so cool to go out into space just the once!
  6. I hope to become an even better person as I grow up. None of us are perfect and we all have those annoying little bits about us that we don’t like, I want to become a even better person as I go through life, since we can all do that something to help us be kinder and more happy- life is too short to be negative!
  7. I hope that this blog will keep everyone interested and is of use to whoever reads it, I write and do everything just for you guys and if you guys enjoy reading our stuff then that means the world to me ❤

Next up we have the “Sunshine Award” given to us by TheAnimetedCritics


For people who haven’t heard about the Sunshine Award, it is basically nice way to acknowledge other bloggers and get to know them. However, nominees are given the choice to decline the nomination.

The rules for the award are:

  • Thank the person(s) that nominated you
  • Answer their questions
  • Nominate other bloggers
  • Write 7 questions for them
  • Notify the bloggers
  • Put the button on your blog

TheAnimetedCritics is a blog that both Eskimoseb and I love to visit, the guys behind it, Ashley and Thuy have done a splendid jobs with all the anime reviews they have done. Their website is so clean and the writing backs up their cool style. You absolutely have to check out this dynamic duo!

So here are the answers to their questions! Sorry for being so late 😥

  1. When did you get into anime and what was your first anime?I had watched Dragonballz as a child and loved it and used to love watching Yugioh at the time too. However I would say I properly got into anime about 3 years ago when I stumbled randomly across “Clannad”, which also happens to be my most favourite anime series of all time- and the rest from there, is history 🙂
  2. If you could travel anywhere with no restrictions (money, time etc.), where would it be and why?I would love to travel to Japan, not because I love anime but because I have a great passion for learning about new cultures and Japan has a very unique culture. Moreover, I just learnt Japanese, so it would be great to test it out.
  3. What do you like most about blogging?My favourite part about blogging by far is how I can reach out and meet new people. Sharing my posts and ideas with everyone else is exciting and finding out new opinions is always interesting.
  4. Do you prefer subs or dubs?I don’t really mind which one I use, however most of the time I use subs since Japanese is something I’m still learning and I like how quirky and different it sounds. I do not not hate dubs and will use dubs if I think they are particularly good 🙂
  5. Do you have any hobbies besides blogging/anime/manga?I love writing and playing music. In my free time it helps to get m mind of my endless work from school and soon from the workload of uni. I also like to get outdoors and play cricket and football with friends. Fencing is great too, as long as I have someone to do it with 🙂
  6. What’s your favorite anime genre?It has got to be the Slice of Life shows by a country mile, I love SoLs because they are simply so relaxing and calming. Most of my favourite shows are also SoLs.
  7. What type of music do you listen to and what is your favorite song?Now this one is a tough question! I usually change favourite songs as I grow up and hear new songs, however I love to listen to anything with a nice guitar riff, soft rock music and to be honest, just anything with a nice melody! If I had to pick a favourite song from my life, it would probably be “In The End” by Linkin Park, based off the significance of that song during a certain stage of  my life.

I will be nominating bloggers for a new special award soon, so the nominees are to come 🙂

Our final award will be the “Liebster Award” given to us by WeTheHunted, Blerdlikeme and Marvelously Mismatched


Blerdlikeme has some nice photos and posts about anime and they are all well worth a read, we are looking forwards to seeing more of his posts in the future!

Marvelously Mismatched has a seriously fun and quirky taste to her blog and it’s just so sweet to read some of her posts and her articles, they tend to bring a smile to my face and I would recommend that others go and take a read. It’s got a wonderful personal touch 🙂

Last but not least, I have saved this spot for WeTheHunted. The work they do is just amazing. Their posts are always funny and we just get such a warm vibe from them. So from us to you is a huge thank you and we wish you the best in whatever you do! The blog looks super cool too!

Since there are so many questions to answer, I will pick my favourite 3 questions from each set of 11 and answer them as best I can!


If you could bend any of the elements, which would it be? 

I used to and still do watch the Avatar series. That show was a huge part of my childhood and I always used to think just how cool it would be if we could bend the elements  too. If I had to choose just one, it would most certainly be earth, just imagine all the cool things you could do with it! I was very close to choosing water, but in the end just thinking of all the possibilities of earth bending is so cool!

Are you a Ninja, or a Samurai? 

I am most certainly a Ninja, there is no questioning my sheer ninja prowess 😛

If you’ve ever gone on an anime marathon, how long was it? 

My first ever anime Clannad, was also when I went on my longest marathon! I watched Clannad and Clannad AS in the space of two days, pulling an all nighter in between!


What’s your favorite childhood game?

Ni No Kuni is a game I played just a few years ago and it is a combination of Ghibli art and gaming- so overall it’s a beautiful game and one of my favorites. Other than that, I love the Last of Us on the PS3, it is probably my most favourite game of all time.

 If you could go back to college for free would you?

Oh yes I would, I’m about to go to uni, but my college was the best 5 years I have had to date.

What’s the favorite country you have traveled to?

Singapore was a wonderful place, it was great to able to go out there with friends!

Marvelously Mismatched

White chocolate or milk chocolate?

THIS IS SO HARD. I LOVE BOTH :'(. If I had to pick only one though I think it would be milk chocolate by a whisker.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

I cannot live without my headphones, I need that to survive or I think I would die.

Are you a cat or dog person?

I am not sure actually! I love both actually but I think I may be more of a dog person. No actually, perhaps a cat person. Dog person? Cat person? I think I’ll go with both!

Thank you all once again 🙂

7 thoughts on “Catching up on all the awards and a big thank you for all your support!

  1. Thank you for the kind words 🙂 You deserve all of your wide array of awards! 🙂 I can’t believe you have been to my country before and liked it so much, its pretty rare that people visit in the first place! Did you come for vacation? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • One of my parents had moved to work in Singapore for a while, so during the summer holidays we went there for about 2 months! It was a wonderful place, there was quite a lot to do- it had a very close knit feel to it 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ooh I see, I am glad it was such a nice place for you! I often think there’s nothing much to do here (hehe) as compared to countries like yours with an abundance of nature but glad to see you don’t feel the same way xD

        Liked by 1 person

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